Tuesday, June 6, 2023

LGBTQ+ Pride Trademarks

June is Pride Month, so it's a good time to check out what all has been federally registered for Pride. Before starting, I expected to find mostly marks associated with Pride festivals or parades, maybe a few brands' marks geared towards that market.

Using the USPTO's TESS (Trademark Electronic Search System), I searched with a query that would limit results to only live and registered marks.

My expectations were partially correct. There were mostly Pride events and event organizations, but a few surprise registrations for marks in other languages, particularly Spanish. Including "trans*" within the query might have been responsible: many of these marks translate to some kind of pride. 

Both translations of the word pride, unrelated to LGBTQ+ Pride

Removing that term improves results. Now, all of them are related to LGBTQ+ Pride, the month's events, or their organizers/organizations. Even those that don't initially appear relevant are, when read in full. 

GAYWATCH, for Pride partying and event planning

Gay Pride Bow Ties, for showing Pride via neck wear (also owners of very cool trade dress, no. 5592168)

¡PAN DULCE!, which is music and other entertainment for Pride festivals
Houston has several Pride celebration marks belonging to Pride Houston, Inc. (now Pride Houston 365; the current image on their website, with the human figure surrounded by rainbow wings wasn't found among the registered marks).

Houston Pride registered mark no. 3380988

QUEER·ISH, owned by Houston Pride for entertainment or "edutainment"
Houston LGBT Pride Celebrations, for exactly what it says

Many of the registered marks are just word marks, as seen in the above examples. If you would like to view more, just search TESS with: 

pride AND live[LD] AND (gay OR lesbian OR queer) AND `RN > "0" .

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