Friday, May 31, 2024

Swifties, it's your turn for IP

 It's not exactly news that Taylor Swift owns IP. In fact, she's a bit of an IP powerhouse. She owns the Swifties trademark, for example.

But what's new is her most recent filing, coming on the heels of what I've heard is a remarkable year for her. (Can you tell I don't really follow her? I know more about her IP than anything else. It's that curse, again.) She recently registered for a new mark, and fans and the media have been waiting with bated breath to learn what it might mean. 

"Female Rage: The Musical" was submitted for registration to the USPTO on May 11th, and holy cow does it have a LOT of associated goods and services! It lists classes 025, 026, 035, 009, 014, 015, 016, 018, 021, and 041, which means it covers clothing, cell phone accessories, retail store services, musical sound recordings, jewelry, guitar picks, writing journals, and beverage glasses, among hundreds more. I'm not even going to bother trying to list all of them, you can look it up yourself in the TSDR entry for it. 

So just what is in store? Clearly Taylor Swift has made a point to try to cover all of her bases with the new application. it might be a musical, since the final class listed is for musical entertainments. It probably isn't a tour name, since she's still on tour and her most recent album has a different name. Or maybe it's likea concert video she will release?

Honestly, I don't know, and I'm not sure I care. But a lot of other people care, and I try to be relevant. Maybe I'll look at her other trademarks another time, TAS Entertainment group is substantial.

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