On Tuesday, July 14 from 12:00 - 1:00 pm EDT, the second Patent Quality chat will be hosted by Director of Technology Center 2400 Timothy Callahan on the topic Face-to-Face Examiner Interviews: A Demonstration of USPTO Tools. See instructions for accessing the chat at http://www.uspto.gov/patent/initiatives/patent-quality-chat (scroll down to the section, Webcast Instructions).
Regularly scheduled on the second Tuesday of each month, these Patent Quality Chats are a lunchtime webinar series designed to provide information on various patent quality topics and to continue the dialogue between the USPTO and its stakeholders about enhancing patent quality.
Future webinar dates of Sept. 8, Oct. 13, and Nov. 10 are scheduled and may include topics such as Office of Patent Quality Review (OPQA) Processes, Compact Prosecution, and Special Programs for Patent Prosecution. No registration is required for these free webinars.