Access Instructions:
First-Inventor-to-File Public Forum
Monday, March 17, 2014
12:30 to 5 pm ET
Webcast access:
Event number: 996 792 614
Event password: 12345
Click here to access the event: (
All presentation materials will be available in advance of the forum on the AIA (FITF) micro-site at (
- 12:30 to 1:00 PM - Meet and Greet
- 1:00 to 1:15 PM - Welcome - Janet Gongola, Senior Advisor to the Deputy Director: Opening Remarks - Michelle K. Lee, Deputy Under Secretary and Deputy Director
- 1:15 to 2:15 PM - Will My Application Be Examined Under AIA (FITF) Or Not? - Cassandra Spyrou, QAS in TC 2800
- 2:15 to 3:00 PM FITF -- A Year in Review - Tom Hughes, SPE in TC 3700
- 3 to 3:15 PM BREAK
- 3:15 to 4:20 PM FITF Overview and Tips on Responding to Prior Art Rejections - Kathleen Fonda, Senior Legal Advisor Office of Patent Legal Administration
- 4:20 to 4:30 PM Tour of the AIA (FITF) Website - Kathleen Bragdon, QAS in TC 1600
- 4:30 to 5:00 PM Q&A Panel Discussion (Hughes, Spyrou, Fonda, Bragdon) Christopher Grant, QAS in TC 2400 (Moderator)