SUMMARY: The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) published a notice announcing the formation of a partnership with the software community to enhance the quality of software-related patents(Software Partnership), and a request for comments on the preparation of patent applications, seeking input on potential practices for preparing patent applications. The USPTO also conducted two roundtables to obtain public input from organizations and individuals on topics relating to the quality of software-related patents and the preparation of software-related patent applications including: establishing clear boundaries for claims that use functional language; identifying additional topics for future discussion by the Software Partnership; and potential practices that applicants can employ at the drafting stage of a patent application in order to facilitate examination and bring more certainty to the scope of issued patents. The USPTO has received several requests for additional time to submit comments in
response to the notice. Accordingly, the USPTO is extending the comment period to provide interested members of the public with additional time to submit comments to the USPTO.
DATES: Comment Deadline Date: To be assured of consideration, written comments must be received on or before April 15, 2013.
For complete information see the March 15, 2013 Federal Register Notice at